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Whether you're a small-scale farmer or part of a large agricultural enterprise, we are equipped to meet your unique requirements. Our distribution network ensures timely delivery of products to your doorstep, and our experienced team can provide guidance and technical assistance whenever you need it.

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Image by Loren King

Agribooster solutions:

Inputs are provided to the farmers with GAP training on how best to use the input to attained the target output. Ranging from: Ploughing, harrowing, planting, herbicide application, weeding, harvesting, input support (fertilisers, chemicals and seeds) and precision farming. This package ensure that farmers will  greatly improve their yields and profits via technical support on good agronomy practices (GAP).

Crop Doctor / Technical Services :

 We offer on the ground assessment to your plants/Crops and make prescription of required treatment to enable your plant reaches its potential.
We serve both large and small-scale farmers. Our objective is to enable the farmer smile during harvest time

Varieties of Grain

 Aggregation and Post-Harvest Management

​Collation of produce from individual or group of farmers, dress, clean,
Drying & Storage, Grain Management and Warehousing and storage of grains and Receipt System.


Food Chain Partnership and Market Linkages

We connect farmers and markets together and ensure win win situation for all. Agroprocessing, value addition and packaging.


Image by Tim Mossholder
Image by Nel Ranoko

Driving financial inclusion to small holder farmers:

We deliver financial services such as access to finance, machineries and technology that helps support a wide range of economic activities of the rural farmers by leveraging on financial institutions and investors in the agricultural space.

Wheat Crop

Join Us in Cultivating Success

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